Monday, June 8, 2015

Why I chose to limit my charges for Reiki

I have been a Reiki Master of Western style and Japanese Gendai (Doi Sensei) styles of healing since 1994. I spent many years just keeping Reiki as a private spiritual practice and waited a time before I thought to begin initiating others with attunements. When I did, I never charged for the attunements or the class; if anything – only the cost of Xerox copies of materials and splitting the cost of any space rental that was accrued to teach the class.  Instead, I have always promoted payment through service to your community in whatever way you feel called to do so (whether continuing a Reiki share at a place you received, or maybe even helping out people or animals locally that need it).

This has been repeatedly met with skepticism and opposition, mostly in part, because as a Western culture we operate primarily from a Left Brained mentality (cause and effect). Some of the more common thoughts associated with this line are:
 “1) If it’s that cheap {or worse-free}, he must be a charlatan.
   2) I must clearly have “trauma” associated with money because I refuse to charge for it.. or   
   3) There are plenty of viable healers out there that charge for their time and money. By you NOT charging it’s somehow hurting them from making a living.

All of these are very valid arguments. However, I would invite those who feel this way to indulge a different perspective.

I have always looked at skills and training as those that are “inherent” to all people as a whole, versus skills that are person specific. For example, all of us are “taught” to walk, talk, hold silverware, use the potty, brush your teeth, etc. None of these skillsets were ever CHARGED by the parents or elders (though I can imagine some people suddenly scratching their noggin’ thinking at the possibility), they are things we learn and CAN ALL DO.  This is very different from a specific talent. So everyone may be able to pick up a pencil and draw a stick figure, but not everyone could continue on and draw a masterpiece. The latter WOULD require training to cultivate, because not everyone has that skill and you want to develop what you have. Reiki has always been promoted as something that has been clearly expressed in EVERY PERSON. PERIOD! Yes the argument may be that they need an attunement to open it up the process, but how is that any different than providing a child training to use the potty? You joyfully provide the service and praise the recipient when they “got it” and can carry on their own.

My concerns on money, are not WHAT it is, but our mindset on where it’s attached. Sometimes it feels as though marketers have used money as a tool to sway the populace. Ever noticed how people will go crazy to spend hundreds for a named brand item and turn their nose up at a non-named brand at a fraction of the cost? There is a certain level of “prestige” associated with money. And with prestige is the potential for ego. And with Ego comes the potential for separateness (Us vs. Them).  We have evolved into a disposable society. It feels like we alienate ourselves in our phones and computers with the emergence of online shopping and banking. We stop using our hands and talents; we withdraw from our community.  When something wears out, buy a new one – discard the old. As the term “modern-convenience” becomes more of the norm, there appears to be a rapid decline in personal interaction as a tradeoff. Why learn how to cook, bake or grow your own foods when it’s just easier to go to someone else and have it done for you? “Why invest the time to give back to the community?? I have places to be, life is too busy…I’ll just fork over the extra cash, get what I need and be done with it.”  

 I received my Gendai training from Sensei Doi before leaving the navy in 97’, (before the publication of his first out-of-print book Iyashino Gendai Reiki-ho, A Modern Reiki Method) Several of the things he said in class resonated with me, some of which were never repeated in print until an interview with William Rand in the REIKI NEWS MAGAZINE (Spring 2014 edition).
…”When we see the Reiki method as “the way of health and happiness”, advantages and disadvantages of Western and Dento Reiki become clear to us. Western Reiki has had a focus on collecting medical evidence because practitioners place priority on its healing effects. Dento Reiki, on the other hand, today considers the healing practice to be more on the level of home remedies and is not so interested in the scientific examination of its effects.”…….(cont.) “ The attitude of Western Reiki is validated by its historical background: Hayashi Sensei had developed the healing method according to his medical perspective and Takata Sensei first used Reiki to cure her diseases.”…(cont.) Western Reiki had started from these two people. So it is quite natural that it emphasizes it use for healing treatments. But it seems the importance of spiritual advancement, which is the basic philosophy of Usui Reiki Ryoho, was not exported to the West enough.”

“….to heal the heart and soul first, then heal the body second”, “to create good human relationship” –Mikao Usui

When we focus on Reiki through western teachings as “professional healing practice”, money certainly can become a point of contention. However, from an Eastern mindset; my goal with Reiki has never been to pump out a profession of healers or become a renowned teacher, but rather to reach out to people to create a slightly more community based initiative. (Smiles are contagious – pass em’ on.) I desire to help provide you with the tools to find your own answers and let your own light shine. And those insights are only ones YOU can answer. For me, I feel that is a gift that doesn’t require a payment plan; only an opportunity to put the tools to use.

Our Greatest Fear – Marianne Williamson
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, Our presence automatically liberates others.

—Marianne Williamson